Is there a place to cook?
We have a full kitchen equipped with gas burners and ventilation hood. We also have a fairly well stocked set of cooking utensils such as strainers, tongs, skewers etc. Outside we have a Blackstone griddle. For the Blackstone you will need to bring your own propane bottles or contact me if that is not possible.
Do you have a coffee maker?
We have a Keurig and drip coffee maker and often have a selection of Sam's Club light, medium and dark roasts. We suggest that if you like a particular coffee type you bring it with you.
Do we need to bring paper plates and cups?
Many guests find it convenient to bring paper plates and cups. We do have washable plates, cups and bowls here but you will need to wash them yourself between meals. We have a dishwasher with dishwasher detergent.
Do Gamers Ranch staff cook or clean?
We cleanup before and after groups of guests. During your stay you are responsible for keeping the kitchen clean such as washing the dishes, cleaning up any small spills etc. We will have plenty of towels and bedding for your entire stay and there is a washer and dryer you can use with laundry detergent.
Is there a place to do laundry?
There is a washer and dryers conveniently located on the second floor. We provide laundry detergent. They are top load large capacity units.
Do you have a sauna?
We have a sauna available for use, just let us know and we will show you have to use it.
Do we need to bring our own beach towels?
We have a number of beach towels however we do suggest your bring your own to ensure there are enough depending on how you use them.
Do you provide blankets, sheets, pillows and other bedding?
All of our beds have a mattress protector, fitted sheets, top sheets, two pillows in pillow protectors and a vellux blanket. In addition each room has two extra pillows and an extra blanket for those who get cold. While we always wash the sheets between groups do not change or make the beds for stays less than one week as a hotel might. You are always welcome to launder them yourselves on-site.
What bathroom amenities are provided?
For shower products we provide pump soap, shampoo and conditioner. All of our bathrooms contain pump hand soap.
Do you have high speed internet and how fast is it?
We have high speed internet here thanks to our 100 foot tower that beams it in from the nearby town. The speed is 40/20 megabits. The access is typically reliable with outages only a few times a year. Inside you can access the internet via an open ‘Guests’ WiFi network.
Do you have fans, I need them to sleep peacefully.
All of our bedrooms are equipped with ceiling and box fans with adjustable speeds. We also have a number of sleep machine sound generators.
Do you have cell phone service at the ranch?
Cell phone services is accessible through Wifi Calling available through iPhone and Android phones. We have limited direct cell phone service due to that we are in a small valley and have poor line of site access to cell towers and the second is we have a metal building. When you are outside the building AT&T had the strongest signal and virtually none for T-Mobile.
What kinds of TV entertainment do you have?
We have YouTube TV for standard channels and sports access and Netflix for movies and entertainment. These services are available on all of the TVs at Gamers Ranch so you can watch them in your rooms or on the 140 inch TV wall in the great room.
Is Gamers Ranch wheelchair accessible?
While I am sure we don't comply with every accessibility standard we are fairly accessible on the lower level of Gamers Ranch. All of the major doors are double doors and have low thresholds. The large porch area is directly accessible. We have two bedrooms on the ground floor and all of the major gaming areas are downstairs. At the moment we do not have rails in the bathrooms however if you are interested we can look into adding those for the main guest bathroom.
Can I charge my electric vehicle on-site?
Currently we have a number of 120v outlets and one 220v outlet available to use for charging at no cost. As electric vehicles become more popular we may need to revisit the costs. It’s tough because I like the all inclusive nature of Gamers Ranch however if we get multiple vehicles charging the costs will add up. Many ranches have tanks of diesel or gasoline on-site to full up equipment and I think most peoples intuition would be to assume that is not free. I think the intuition for electricity is a little different at the moment but we will see how it evolves.
220v Plug Type
Do you have a place to have a campfire?
We have three propane fire pits at the front of the building. Due to the limited supply and cost of propane we ask that you only light one fire pit while outdoors and be sure to turn them off if no one is outside.